Make your college experience bold by getting involved at 体育菠菜大平台. The Student Engagement Office offers quality, inclusive programs, services, and events, plus 180 student organizations. You will connect with others, find community and support, and build leadership skills that you’ll take with you long after graduation.

Student Union Entrance

Student Union

Social Media and Events

04 Nov
Fashion Show: Celebrando La Vida Ponderosa E | 5:00pm
05 Nov
Student Senate meeting Antelope Room | 5:30pm
06 Nov
Leaf Your Stress Behind Loper Success Hub | 10:00am
06 Nov
Big Idea Legacy on the Bricks | 5:30pm
07 Nov
Veterans Day Banner Signing Student Union Atrium | 11:00am
07 Nov
LPAC meeting Student Union Antelope Room | 5:00pm